T1561/T1710 Range

General Details
The heavy-weight high pressure hose, ideal for impulse and cycling applications, with a smoothbore conductive liner and multiple spiral braids this hose passes where most hoses fail. (T1710 hose has a post sintered PTFE liner for gas applications).
Applications High shock/vibration applications, ideal for pressure impulses and cycling such as reaction injection moulding
Inner layer constructionAntistatic smoothbore PTFE tube – PTFE according to “ISO12086, Part 1.PTFE-E.P.D.M 1.6.1.C.E.4_12”
Outer Layer construction PTFE impregnated aramid and/or glassfibre braid


Temperature range-60°C to +260°C (-76°F to +500°F)
Ferrule range availableOnly available as assembly
Fitting range availableOnly available as assembly
Other High pressure antistatic smoothbore PTFE tube with maypole and spiral wound high tensile 304 stainless steel braids
Order Inquiry
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